Happy Labor Day from Business Manager Pat Guidice
Happy Labor Day from Business Manager Pat Guidice with a special shout out to our amazing Stewards and Business Representatives who work hard to protect Local 1049 members rights.
This Labor Day, let us all take a moment to reflect on the history of how organized labor improved the lives of the American worker and their families. Before workers had a federally protected right to join unions, workers were mistreated and not respected for their labor. Together let us celebrate those who fought for and who continue to fight for a better life while working hard to achieve the American dream. We must continue to persevere in the pursuit of fair treatment but also recognize the sacrifices your UnionStewards and Business Representatives make on a daily basis that result in the benefits that we enjoy. They work tirelessly to protect you job and your benefits and all too often they don’t receive proper appreciation from the rank and file. The next time you see your rep, let them know how much you appreciate the job they do. I know the job that they do and I am proud to lead such an awesome group of union activists who continue the fight in the best traditions of the IBEW.
Let us stand together in solidarity to make our world abetter place to live and make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters.
With the warmest regard, I remain
In solidarity with you
Pat Guidice