
April 11, 2024

Member Highlight - Week of March 18, 2024

IBEW Local 1049 is dedicated to our membership and their diverse backgrounds, jobs, and roles within their community. We want to celebrate and showcase the unique makeup of our membership. That’s why we’ve initiated a member highlight on our social media.We hope that these stories will inspire others to share their stories, expand our member engagement, and encourage others to become members of our union too.

This week’s member highlight features Catherine Varrialle, an Executive Board Member and a Team Lead from Melville, NY.

How many years have you been part of Local 1049?

25 Yrs

Why did you decide to join Local 1049?

I took a part-time position, which allowed me to be home with my children during the day, and work in the evenings for a good wage.

What historical figures or events in the world of IBEW inspire(d) you as a member of Local1049?

There are three people that have inspired me as a member of Local 1049. When I joined the union, Robin Rodriguez was a shop steward in the call center. Like me, she was a working mom, but also somebody that showed us how important our union was. She was always there for all of us, to answer any questions, and to go to with any issues. Connie Fritzlo was another person that inspired me. Connie was also Shop Steward, who was always there for her coworkers. She stressed to us the importance of getting involved & going to meetings. Last, but very not least is Jen Clemente. For many years, I’ve watched how Jen worked hard for her fellow brothers and sisters. She too, showed how important it was to become involved with the union. She has been my mentor,  first when I became a shop steward, and then on the executive board of the union. I know I would’ve struggled without her guidance each and every day.

How do you view, express, exemplify leadership as a member of Local 1049 on job sites and in your daily life?

I feel I express and exemplify leadership as a member of local 1049 by showing others, especially newer reps that it’s important we work hard and show the company and our customers what an amazing workforce Local 1049 is. I feel it’s important to show leadership by example and strive to do my best each day. In my home life, I feel it’s important to show my family good work ethic and how working for a union was the best decision!!

Anything else you'd like to share about your experience as a member of IBEW Local 1049 or your journey with the community?

I am proud to be a member of IBEW Local 1049. I have met some really amazing people and have learned so much in my 25 years as a member.

Thank you, Catherine Varrialle, for sharing your experience as a member in IBEW Local 1049 with everyone. We’re honored to have you as a member and to help light the way for others in your field.
